

Hey Aaron, awesome to cross paths again! Below are some insights on how I can help...

(This page is a private page on our world cycle blog, you're welcome to check it out).


I can create an eBrochure alone to help you reach out to potential corporate clients and get things flowing. Capturing your unique story, to empower loyalty with your customers.

A one-off style could be created, although this clean slate is the perfect time to really start with a solid foundation.  So I recommend that I start by creating your Logo and Branding first which I'll talk about next.

  • Create eBrochure
I've worked creatively with many brands like The Sunday Times, Volvo, BA, Tesco, DHL & ITV

Look & Feel

Re-designing your logo to capture the new direction of Phipps whilst honouring your history. To be timeless and original yet unique and memorable. All resonating throughout your brand guidelines the choice of colour, shape, texture and tone will be the pinnacle.

  • Re-design logo
  • Develop brand guidelines

Digital Discovery 

Seven figures by analogue, let's see what digital brings. I will design your website with the best website builder for your purposes. Aesthetics and functionality will be in perfect harmony. So when customers arrive, they know that they have come to the right place. The website builder will enable you to easily manage it, be it email marketing, blogging, or website updates.  

Sharing your story and mission to attract companies who you resonate with. Displaying logos of companies you've worked with along with reviews. This will all be reflected in your social media channels which I'll also create your first posts. I'll give you some guidance on how to work with all this yourself.

  • Build your website
  • Setup your social media channels
  • Create your first social media posts
  • Create your first blog post
  • Create your first email marketing post
  • Teach you how to create content on your website

Sustainability Seed

I'll help you put sustainability at your core. Through researching multiple directions of certification. Once you have certifications you can display them on your marketing media reassuring customers of their investment in you.

  • Research carbon offsetting
  • Research rewilding projects

Some Seeds:

Create landscapes as allies to nature's landscapes.
Always empowering wildlife to flourish
To give back more than we take
Being climate positive by offsetting more emissions than you make
To always be growing
Replace your use of fossil fuels, with renewable energy sources
Rewilding landscapes with 10% of each project funding trees and plants and your team then planting them.
I have spent the past 4 years, researching and learning about Sustainability. It's what our world cycle journey was all about.

Still & Motion

I will create some photography from your corporate projects to update your portfolio shots. To really bring this all together I'll create an intro film to share this new vision of Phipps. I can even be the voice-over narrator.  

  • Portfolio photography
  • Intro film
I've been creating photos, films & graphic design for over half my life. Checkout some of my work at the bottom of this page.


Creating core values around your name Phipps:


Core Values

We create landscapes with our P.H.I.P.P.S core vaules:

Pioneer | a person or group that originates or helps open up a new line of thought or activity or a new method or technical development.
As pioneers were fearless in being the first, unique or the original. These moments create change.
Health | the state of being free from illness or injury.
When natures healthy we all are.
Inspire | to excite, encourage, or breathe life into.
Inspiring life selflessly, giving more seeds than we take. Always curious,  learning from inspiration.
Purpose | the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists.
Our purpose is creating environments for all life, as living legacies
Passion | strong and barely controllable emotion.
Passionate attention down to the smallest details, where we think know one notice's, is where we make the biggest impact.
Sustainability | fulfilling the needs of current generations without compromising the needs of future generations.
Sustaianbility is simply how every action needs to be made for tomorrow to come.



  • Create eBrochure

Cost: £2000

Look & Feel

  • Re-design logo
  • Develop Brand Guidelines

Cost: £1200

Digital Discovery

  • Build your website
  • Setup your social media channels
  • Create your first social media posts
  • Create your first blog post
  • Create your first email marketing post
  • Teach you how to create content through your website

Cost: £2400

Sustainability Seed

  • Research carbon offsetting
  • Research rewilding projects

Cost: £1200

Still & Motion

  • Portfolio photography
  • Intro film

Film Shot & Edited
Cost: £2000

Photo & Edits
Cost: £1200


  • Creating Core Values

Cost: £400


Estimated time: 6 weeks
Total Cost: £10,000

Let's Begin...

I look forward to hearing your thoughts on what I've shared. With the freedom I have now, I can get started immediately until all is complete. In regards to payment, I ask for 50% at the start and 50% at the end of the whole project or payments at the start of each section as I make progress.

Drop me a call, when you're ready.

Big 🧡




I shot and edited this video for DCS
(Once the interview begins, you can skip to 3:30 where the action begins)
I narrated & edited this film, written by Sarah Footman
Browning Bros glamping space - I shot and edited whilst my partner Karla Scripted and Narrated
I shot and edited this whilst volunteering to help plant 1000 trees at Vegan Valley
This is my original teaser for travelling the world.


Animal Rebellion London
Planet Vegan
Vegan Campout
Unity Diner