Featuring Art, Photos and Film by Steven and Karla


Introduction to Karla's Illustration. See more and read the stories and accompanying poems @karlasandersart

Powerful Women Week

Fossil Fuel Fairytales

From Hypocricy to Synchronicity

Yellowstone Dreams and the Bison who Changed it All


Steven's Photos Supporting Vegan Events and Activism

Vegan Campout

The gathering of 7500 people at Vegan Campout 2019 led Steven on a number of adventures. Through meeting many seeds that would blossom and change his whole life. Including one that led him to meeting Karla.

Animal Rebellion London

In 2019 Steven met Animal Rebellion now known as "Animal Rising" at Vegan Campout where they recruited support for their upcoming rebellion a month later. On launch over 10,000 people were present to create disruption to London's streets over the next two weeks. Bringing attention to the unnecessary consumption of animals in the modern world.

Planet Vegan

The premiere of the Planet Vegan documentary series was the perfect ending to Animal Rebellions 2 week disruption in London (Shared above). Steven also helped support this on Kickstarter.

Unity Diner

After meeting Steven at Vegan Campout and Animal Rebellion Ed Winters, @earthlinged invited him to take photos at the launch of his new restaurant Unity Diner. The money helps fund Surge Sactury the seed for Steven and Karla's paths crossing ๐Ÿงก.


Imagination in Motion

Browning Bro's

A duo Collaboration Steven Shot/Edited whilst Karla Scripted/Narrated

A Letter to Myself

A Collaboration with Sarah Footman

The Big Free Oh

Steven's thirtieth birthday reflective insights

To Love Animals

Karla Narrated, Scripted and Edited this Masterpiece

Explore the World - Teaser

Steven's original teaser for exploring the world