Patron Old

Become a Patron to help keep our Pedals Turning by making single or monthly donations of your choice. This allows us to continue to "Pay It Forward"  

pay it forward | Respond to a person's kindness to oneself by being kind to someone else."I will take the support I have had and try to pay it forward whenever I can."

Monthly Donations

After pressing the button below you'll be taken to our Stripe page where you can Subscribe to Monthly payments of £1 and if you'd like to give more simply increase the Quantity "Qty" (On Phones it's Under "Details") to your total preference e.g £1 x 5 = £5 per month via Apple Pay, Google Pay or Card.

After pressing the button below you'll be taken to our Paypal page where you can make a donation and check the tick box to make it monthly via PayPal or Card.

Single Donations

After pressing the button below you'll be taken to our Stripe page where you can make single donations of your choice via Apple Pay, Google Pay or Card.

After pressing the button below you'll be taken to our PayPal page where you can make single donations of your choice via PayPal or Card.

Our Expenses

Our focus is to not have any expenses as we learn you learn.


  • £150 - Food
  • £10 - Phone Data
  • £8 - Website
  • £7 - iCloud

Total: £175


  • £60 - Komoot
  • £10.50 - Domain

Total: £70.50