You Believe in Me and I Believe in You

Last summer my partner and I left to cycle around the world! Shortly before leaving I upgraded my iPhone to the 13 Pro at your Cambridge store. As soon as I walked in with my bike “I knew I was with my people”. The empowerment felt from the excitement and passion your team shared still resonates today. Adam Boon filled me with such gratitude, supporting me with a set of Apple headphones, reminding and reassuring me of how we’re all one community. I upgraded so we not only captured our adventure with the best image quality but also represented yourselves with your leading focus on the environment, which is what our journey was all about. Sharing insights on how we can...

...leave the planet better than we found it.

I have since returned from this epic adventure, drawn to the belonging felt that day at your Apple store. Desiring to return to help continue sharing this passion with all who cross paths in your unique space.


I naturally flow with people, helping see them through listening to understand where they are. I’m a big advocate for learning via doing, when teaching photography I love witnessing that "aha!" moment sparking a ripple of confidence and inspiration. People leave my company smiling with fresh air and their heads held high.

Spontaneity and flexibility are in my blood, invigorating an adaption to change. If I don’t know something, I will put 100% of my focus into making sure I do. For example, I built our world-touring bikes from the ground up which resulted in 2 years of refinement through trying and failing until everything functioned seamlessly. I can also problem-solve under high pressure. Let’s paint the scene, we had ridden all day, it was cold and windy when one of our essential bike parts failed up in the vast Scottish Highlands. I managed to keep calm and think clearly, quickly organising the logistics needed to get back up and running again in under 48h!

Apple Loyal

My loyalty to Apple began on an iMac back in college, in 2006. There I learned Graphic Design, Photography & Film Making, which have crafted my life’s journey since. I first owned a MacBook Pro 17” at university in 2009 and then iPhone 4 in 2010. Never to leave your ecosystem thereafter. My MacBook Pro 14” with Final Cut Pro is an absolute beast! My partner is a professional artist using Procreate on her iPad Pro 12.9". Being of a technical mind, anyone who asks me for advice usually leads them to purchase from Apple shortly after.


I follow a vegan philosophy and believe we are all equal on this earth. Creativity moves through me in all ways, while playing the drums, writing poetry, problem-solving… I believe keeping a healthy self reflects out to everyone and everything. Through mindful being, we can all flow like water. This deeper appreciation for life and to be wholly present for everyone stemmed from experiencing two almost life-ending motorcycle accidents in my 20's. Below is a video I fully created telling one of these stories to help support the Essex & Herts Air Ambulance that saved my life.

Kind Words:

Andy Fisher - Co-Founder

What can I say about Steven that will do his brilliance justice? He is an exceptional photographer who captures the natural beauty in everything. Our wedding photos were unique - beautiful, modern pieces of art. He also created our wedding video, it was epic. The 3 days were brought to life all over again - the love, the laughter, the music and pure joy of having your favourite people together for such a special occasion. Steven's skill, passion, attention to detail and ability to see opportunities that many of us miss are just some of the many reasons why Steven is such a creative talent... AND he is such a wonderful guy to work with. Our superstar!

The Happy Consultancy Group

Marine Joigneault - Designer, Illustrator & Creative Director

I’ve had the pleasure of working with Steven on several projects over the last five years (including my wedding pictures), and I can easily say he is the most talented photographer I know. He has an amazing eye and his real talent lies in capturing the moment. He is very discreet and everyone forgets about his camera. He is also very creative and can come up with the most amazing ideas and solutions on the spot. His work ethic is absolutely fantastic. He is committed, reliable and passionate. He is also a really thoughtful individual and cares about his customer’s experience throughout the entire project. Steven is a really calm person by nature and he makes every photoshoot an absolute pleasure and a great moment of fun. His work is not only beautiful but also meaningful as he cares about creating something unique and bespoke to his customer and something they will cherish forever.

Ahoy Marine

Leonie Gava - Photographer

Steven has helped me loads over the years. I'm a photographer who is steps behind him but he has been fantastic in teaching me new techniques and generally getting me out and shooting things I usually wouldn't! He has also been a great help, more recently, by helping me make the massive life decision of choosing a new camera body! I simply wouldn't have made the choice without asking him!

Lisa Gill - Organisational self-management coach

No one tells a story or captures a moment better than Steven; he is extraordinary. He's also incredibly generous and thoughtful when talking to the client about what they want. I cannot recommend him highly enough if you're looking for someone to photograph, film or edit for a wedding, corporate event, marketing material etc. - he is just amazing.


Here is the link to many more reviews


Here's a taste of some of my creativity...


To experience some of the epic stories from our cycle adventure please explore this very Pedals Turn Blog.

Macbook Pro 14" in the WILD!

Thank you

I feel this is the beginning of the next chapter to this wonder world. Cannot wait to hear back from you, absolutely buzzing with excitement!

Sending big love and good vibes to all at Apple🍏. 
